Welcome to TIVERTON 1st!
Tiverton 1st is a grassroots community organization open to all who support preserving our quality of life in Tiverton by maintaining both our community and school services in a fiscally-responsible way, and promoting cooperation, compromise and community pride.
Membership is open to all Tiverton residents who are at least 18 years old & support Tiverton 1st's principles & goals (non-residents or those under 18 years old are welcome to join as non-voting members). There's no membership fee.Just email your name, address, phone # and email address to: Tiverton1st@cox.net.
You can also request to become a "Tiverton 1st Friend"& join our confidential email list.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Tiverton voters have
a clear choice on election day. There are two distinct slates of local
candidates on the ballot: one supported by Tiverton 1st, the other by TCC. The difference between these candidates
couldn't be starker.
Tiverton 1st's
recommended candidates come from a variety of backgrounds and political views.
They are united in their belief that preserving our community and school
services in a fiscally- responsible way is key to Tiverton's quality of life.
They will promote cooperation, compromise, and community pride, putting the
good of the entire town before personal agendas. They support smart economic
development, oppose any Sakonnet River Bridge tolls, and have a record of
community service.
TCC and its candidates
have a record as well. In May's FTR, rather than unite the town around the
Budget Committee’s compromise budget,
TCC proposed an alternative budget. It cut $600,000 from the school budget,
which would have forced either closing a school or eliminating all
extracurricular activities. It raided the town's General Fund, below the
legally required level. It took the $600,000 from the schools and moved it to
the municipal budget controlled by the TCC-majority Town Council, a 5% spending
increase. FTR voters saw through this plan and rejected it.
In 2010, TCC
supported a failed budget that stripped vital community organizations like
Visiting Nurses of all funding. Last year, Councilors Nelson and Coulter
refused to recuse themselves from a lawsuit against the town seeking to
overturn voters’ budget decisions, even though Mr. Nelson had expressed support
for the lawsuit and Mr. Coulter’s wife had originally been one of those suing
the town.
TCC's School
Committee candidates have denigrated the many achievements of our schools,
labeling them "mediocre". They promise to "never use threats of
closing schools or eliminating sports to achieve annual budgets”. Yet they
stand by TCC's annual attempts to gut school funding, which basic math shows
would force these very cuts. They won’t threaten destructive cuts; they’ll
guarantee them.
Now, TCC claims that
they will “oppose ongoing efforts to eliminate the FTR”. The proven fact is
that no candidate, nor anyone in town, has suggested eliminating the FTR. What
does it say about TCC when their campaign centerpiece is a completely phony
Candidates can say
anything during a campaign; judge them on their actions. The record is clear:
the TCC candidates will work on the TCC agenda; Tiverton 1st candidates will
work on Tiverton's agenda. Tiverton is a great place to live. Working together,
we can make it even better. For more information, visit
www.Tiverton1st.blogspot.com, Facebook, or email Tiverton1st@cox.net .
Brian Medeiros
Tiverton, RI
Monday, October 22, 2012
You have another opportunity to meet the Tiverton 1st Candidates on Friday Oct. 26 at 6:30 pm at Countryview Estates. Candidates will be given the opportunity to provide a brief introduction. However, the majority of the evening will be dedicated to questions and answers.
Please forward any questions to Tiverton1st@cox.net, or bring your questions with you on 10/26. We look forward to seeing you and ask that you share this announcement with your friends. Refreshments will be served and this event is open to the public.
Tiverton 1st - Tiverton Proud!
Election Day, November 6, 2012, is coming soon in Tiverton. It’s decision time. Yes, our votes will help decide who will be President, but for those of us who live in Tiverton there is an additional important choice. This election is an opportunity to elect a slate of concerned citizens who are dedicated to creating an era of positive action and progress for our town. We will choose whether to move forward with civility, cooperation, and community or stay with the status quo.
With our votes we can recreate the sense of common purpose and community that has existed in the past. Among other things, this will involve looking for new and creative ways to expand the tax base while retaining the quality of life that we all value, maintaining an education system that values students and educators and draws people to our town, and showing concern and respect for all members of our community, particularly those that the current economic situation has hit the hardest.
This fall there has been a concerted effort on the part of several groups to identify and support candidates for Town Council, Budget Committee and School Committee who are willing to put the health and welfare of Tiverton first.
One of these is Tiverton 1st, a new grass roots community group which has carefully assessed the candidates for town office. We urge you to consider the following candidates we support.
Town Council: James Arruda, Renee DeJesus-Jones, Denise deMedeiros, William Gerlach, Brett Pelletier, Edward Roderick
Budget Committee: Joseph Bento, Alexander Cote, Laura Epke, Mark Larsen, Joshua Mello, David Perry
School Committee: Sally Black, Carol Herrmann, Jerome Larkin
State Representative District 70: John G."Jay" Edwards
State Representative District 71: Dennis M. Canario
State Representative District 70: John G."Jay" Edwards
State Representative District 71: Dennis M. Canario
Look for more information about us and our candidates on www.Tiverton1st.blogspot.com. On Election Day this November let us come together and with our votes put our town, Tiverton, first.
J.P. Schuyler
Tiverton 1st Coordinating Committee
Thursday, October 18, 2012
When you think of the newly formed organization Tiverton 1st, the first thing that may come to mind is our recent presence in the local political arena. However, Tiverton 1st was formed to be much more than a political group. One of our major goals is to seek additional ways in which our organization and its members can build and support community efforts and promote volunteerism.
While planning our initial fundraiser, one of our candidates suggested the idea of incorporating a food drive that same evening to benefit the East Bay Community Action Program (EBCAP). We sent out the request, along with our invitations, and we were amazed at the generosity of those that came forward. We were able to deliver over 100 canned goods to the EBCAP food pantry. “It was amazing that something as simple as this will make such a positive impact right here in our very own community,” said Deb Janick of Tiverton 1st.
Our next community event will be a Tiverton 1st Halloween Treat Give Away. On Wednesday, Oct. 31, Tiverton 1st will be handing out candy from 5-7 at Sandywoods Art Center in the yellow building. “We are so excited to greet all of the ghosts and goblins that will be visiting us. I just loved the idea of incorporating community events into our mission and vision,” said Gloria Crist coordinating member. This event is free and is open to the public.
As we look forward to Thanksgiving, Tiverton 1st and some of its members will be donating food items, as well as their time, at the Sandywoods Farm community potluck dinner at 2 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day, November 24. This great event hosted by our Sandywoods community is open to all and you can RSVP on their Facebook event page, e-mail either info@sandywoodsfarm.org or ahimsa@earthlink.net, or you can call (401) 624-4646 or (401) 241-7349. We are so thankful to Russ Smith and his folks at Sandywoods for hosting this event for the Tiverton community.
In looking toward the future, our dream would be to bring back Tiverton’s Waterfront Festival and Parade. Preliminary work has begun and we will be reaching out to the community for assistance. So many community members have such fond memories of this annual event. It was where our community came together, shared a wonderful experience, and made memories that lasted a lifetime. There are so many wonderful things about Tiverton, Tiverton 1st hopes to build up our community and add a few more happy memories along the way.
If you have any ideas that focus around ways to build and support community efforts, please contact Tiverton1st@cox.net.
Linda Larsen
Tiverton 1st Coordinating Committee
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
I was born and raised in Tiverton and have never seen the division we are now experiencing. Have we had disagreements, sure, but it has never risen to the level of division, disrespect and stubborn lack of compromise we have now.
Recently a local TCC-endorsed School Committee candidate Tweeted about Sandywoods Farm that it is a “good way to subsidize the 'right' kind of poor people.” When complimented on the beauty of Tiverton, they commented that they live “on the Fall River side of town.” When questioned about there being sides of the tracks in Tiverton, their response:
“Every town has that. But you referenced my luck and Tiv’s beauty. Where I live, you’re not quite sure you’ve left FR yet.”
The residents at Sandywoods are our hard-working neighbors and as a North Tiverton resident all my life, I feel quite lucky to live here and think it is beautiful. Some of the best kept neighborhoods and most stunning views of the bay are in North Tiverton. My friends on both sides of the state line have been defamed by these thoughtless words.
This November, I ask residents to decide what kind of town we want to be: The TCC one that breaks us into north and south or kinds of “poor;” or one community where we all work together to take care of our old, our young and our neighbors one where we can disagree and still respect each other.
Fortunately, there is a group of candidates supported by Tiverton 1st and the TDTC who share my vision. Join me in supporting them on Nov. 6.
Deborah Scanlon Janick
Tiverton 1st Coordinating Cmte
Tiverton 1st Coordinating Cmte
THS COLLEGE FAIR: THUR OCT 18 @ 5:30p-7:30p
Free Tiverton Community Event Open to the Public:
The Tiverton High School Guidance Department will be hosting a College Fair this Thursday Oct. 18 from 5:30 - 7:30 pm in the high school gymnasium. It is one of the largest in our area with over 100 schools in attendance. The fair is open to not only Tiverton students, but to all students and their families from every surrounding community. A list of schools that will be attending is attached.
The Tiverton High School Guidance Department will be hosting a College Fair this Thursday Oct. 18 from 5:30 - 7:30 pm in the high school gymnasium. It is one of the largest in our area with over 100 schools in attendance. The fair is open to not only Tiverton students, but to all students and their families from every surrounding community. A list of schools that will be attending is attached.
Monday, October 15, 2012
In the coming weeks, as information gets "distributed"- I ask that you remember something I came across today-which seems fitting- please let this serve- as it did for me, a reminder as you read comments on the Patch-especially from those who claim to have all the statics, values of this that and the other-and spew data but no real information:
"It's possible to know the price of everything and the value of nothing"- Oscar Wilde.
We are Tiverton First and Tiverton Proud!
Gloria Crist
Tiverton 1st Coordinating Cmte
"It's possible to know the price of everything and the value of nothing"- Oscar Wilde.
We are Tiverton First and Tiverton Proud!
Gloria Crist
Tiverton 1st Coordinating Cmte
Friday, October 12, 2012
Save the Date! Tiverton 1st Candidate Night will be held Sunday Oct. 21 from 6p-8p at Sandywoods. Candidates will be given the opportunity to provide a brief introduction, but the majority of the evening will be dedicated to questions and answers.
What specific issues or topics would you like to have the candidates address?
Please feel free to send your questions and comments to Tiverton1st@cox.net, or bring your questions with you on 10/21.
We look forward to seeing you and ask that you share this announcement with your friends. Refreshments will be served.
Tiverton 1st - Tiverton Proud!
What specific issues or topics would you like to have the candidates address?
Please feel free to send your questions and comments to Tiverton1st@cox.net, or bring your questions with you on 10/21.
We look forward to seeing you and ask that you share this announcement with your friends. Refreshments will be served.
Tiverton 1st - Tiverton Proud!
We have a new group in Tiverton – Tiverton 1st. Parents, grandparents, single folks, young and old have joined together to fight for a positive future for Tiverton. Tiverton 1st has done their due diligence to recommend a talented slate of candidates for local offices. I strongly support their candidates who are all dedicated to working together to solve issues – what a welcome breath of fresh air!
For the last four years we have been subjected to the slick, well-financed campaigns of the TCC telling us that it’s the TCC who will be fiscally responsible and “heal the divide” in Tiverton. Well, actions speak louder than words.
Fiscally responsible? Consider the budget proposed for the FTR by TCC President Dave Nelson. You know, the budget that proposed $600K in unjustified cuts to the Schools, increased the municipal operations budget by 4.6% but failed to provide fire protection to one third of the town, raided our General Fund below legal limits, and projected bogus revenues from unidentified sources.
A majority of the Town Council proposing to give itself a spending increase of 4.6% is bad enough, but to pay for it on the backs of your children and grandkids educational future, using up your savings and claiming that extra money will magically just appear is not only indefensible but down right irresponsible.
Healing the divide? After stripping the schools of legally appropriated funds, forcing the matter to the State Supreme Court (all at great expense to you as a taxpayer), only to be denied, Nelson and the TCC have the “brass” to tell angry residents that they want to work together? Then, to demonstrate their desire to heal, they propose cutting the school budget by the same $600K!
And it’s not just the Schools. The TCC Council was alerted to the deplorable condition of our fire equipment, yet decided to forgo replacements in order to fund less critical needs. Rather than working together to resolve differences, the TCC took great offense that the Budget Committee wouldn’t do as the TCC wanted and resorted to accusing us of abusing our power. Similarly, your TCC led Council, who pushed so hard for the FTR, recently decided to spend money on a sewer study and a pump out boat – even though YOU as voters rejected both items in the final budget. The FTR was approved so that all voters could have a say on the budget, yet the TCC isn’t willing to abide by the voters decisions when they don’t get what they want. Did you know that TCC candidates Katz, Hollenbach and O’Dell are still actively suing our town to overturn the 2010 budget vote? Are these actions that bring the town together? Do you feel healed?
The TCC has continually slandered many hard working advocates in town because taxes have risen sharply. Yes, when a community builds three new schools, at a cost of some 30 million dollars, and has over $2 million in state revenue cut, taxes will go up. No one was more vocal about the proposed spike in tax increases prior to the bonds than I, yet when the community adopted the small school concept and approved the new debt, your Budget Committee did everything in its power to implement the wishes of the majority that prevailed and mitigate the effect of the lost state revenue without looking back and complaining.
Do you really want to elect TCC candidates who will to continue this devastating divide and conquer at all costs strategy? I don’t. On November 6th I will be voting for Tiverton 1st candidates and I truly hope that you do too.
Christopher Cotta
Chair, Tiverton Budget Committee
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Tiverton 1st, now with over 100 members in just over a month in existence, is stepping up efforts to inform voters of the clear choice facing them in the local races on November 6. The Tiverton 1st Recommended Candidates (posted above) represent a commitment to preserving the quality of life in Tiverton, to maintaining vital community and school services in a fiscally-responsible way, to fostering cooperation and compromise and community pride. The key to success is informing as many voters as possible about the vision and experience of the Tiverton 1st slate of candidates, as well as the record of words and actions of the other candidates, including those supported by TCC.
While the grassroots efforts of Tiverton 1st members and friends in spreading the word to their family, friends and neighbors is our primary means of getting out the facts, there are over 10,000 registered Tiverton voters we need to reach. Our best hope to reach them is to combine these grassroots efforts with things such as hand-out cards listing our principles and our recommended candidates, newspaper ads, and yard signs. These things require funds, and this is why Tiverton 1st was set up as Political Action Committee. With countless ads, mailed cards, yard signs, and robo-calls, TCC has shown it can and will raise and spend large sums to promote its agenda and candidates. While we don't expect to match their funding, we hope to raise enough funds to reach as many people as possible.
If you are interested in making a contribution to Tiverton 1st to support our efforts to get our recommended candidates elected, please consider doing so this week. We are in the process of making final plans for our election push, and what we can do will be based on the funds available. To make a donation, please submit a personal check payable to "Tiverton 1st" to: Deb Janick, 374 Judson St, Tiverton, RI 02878. Every penny contributed will go directly to efforts to inform voters and support the Tiverton 1st Recommended Candidates.
To become a Tiverton 1st member (only members can comment on Facebook, post on the blog, or receive members-only emails), email a request for membership along with your name, address, phone number and email address to: Tiverton1st@cox.net. There is no membership fee or obligation, beyond a shared belief in Tiverton 1st's pro-community principles. Tiverton 1st - Tiverton Proud!
Brian Medeiros
Tiverton 1st Coordinating Committee
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
The deadline to register to vote in the November 6 election is this Sunday, October 7. Since you need to register at Town Hall, Friday is effectively the last day to register. If you or someone you know (such a young adult who recently turned 18) isn't registered, don't pass up your chance to help determine Tiverton's future.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
If ever there was a time in the history of Tiverton to look at the function of systems in relation to government and management: that time is now. If ever there was a time for the Tiverton community to come together and vote for the clear choice for change-that time is now. If not, I am afraid Tiverton will fail to work for the best of Tiverton, for the greater good.
For the last two years under the guidelines-albeit, questionable, of the TCC/Town Council- Tiverton has been experiencing a quiet and destructive shift, a divide.
If not melded back together quickly with great care and compassion by new leaders who believe in the essence of community, then I am afraid of what.Tiverton may soon look like: A town lacking in creativity, positive leadership and progressive development.
If the TCC is allowed to continue,"executive meetings" that last until midnight will be the norm, ideals will be challenged, unvetted budgets with "fuzzy math" will get passed, and soon Tiverton will become a community that serves only a select few and leaves the others to fend for themselves. Will Tiverton become town lost under an angry, rigid and manipulative rule? History has shown us this kind of extremist, elitist, mostly patriarchal(sorry, but it's true) rule leads to a painful and slow process of disintegration.
Could Tiverton use a more progressive business model? You bet. Could Tiverton stand to upgrade parks and our waterfront area? Well , of course. Is there a way to achieve this so the balance of who we are as a town and where we need to go as townspeople does not go unchecked? Yes. This will require new leadership. It will demand change. It is time to replace those who have not had the best interest of Tiverton at heart-rather-their own.
The nature of the TCC has been difficult for me to describe to people when they ask what is going on with such an extremist group in town, even more difficult for me to see how either as the person who founded it-or those who join in can claim the TCC is for the good. I have yet to see the benefits of said good. I see a collected group of people who are mostly angry, unhappy and scream. Worse, if you can imagine such a thing, I've seen nothing done! Some of you hide behind a collection of various names-or only speak when told to do so,or if your words have been edited-just so. I see no balance, no compromise, no collaboration,very little truth and even less compassion. I don't see a successful system working-rather one that is more self serving; has contributed to a divide that is threatening what community is really all about-that of a balanced system that thrives-serves and provides. A working community for everyone.
Yes, I am taking this personally. All of us who care about community and preserving Tiverton should take it personally. Much more of us should care what has been going on with certain members of the TCC in the name of Tiverton. I am not willing to allow the behavior of a few to threaten the nature of the town I live. This is our town. OUR town. Many of us are invested in Tiverton for the good of our neighbors, our children, our schools, our community organizations and our goods and services. Tiverton as a whole and not Tiverton broken down in various "part" of North and South. I am willing to be vocal about preserving these things that make our community whole.
So? What do we do? Tiverton, if ever there was a time for us all to ask the questions, and question the answers, it is now. If ever there was a time to look at the facts and the character of those "creating" the facts, it is now. Look carefully at the people the TCC is putting forth in various positions of leadership. Question what they say-better yet, question their intention.
It is my hope, Tiverton takes a new direction and votes into place new people who have stepped forward with the common goal of bringing this town together in a fiscally responsible way, in a way that moves us forward so everyone has an opportunity to thrive and benefit-and not just a select few;So that our schools continue to thrive and compete so students are motivated and getting what they need to become better humans and will want to come back to Tiverton-or anywhere for that matter and contribute. If we don't pay attention in the next month, question scare tactics and bogus TCC selling points and further question TCC math- I am afraid we as a town will continue to slip further into a system that is unforgiving in nature and unable to carry on.
Gloria Crist
Tiverton 1st Coordinating Committee
Monday, October 1, 2012
There is a controversial proposal for a solid waste facility on Eagleville Road that will be before the Planning Board at its Tues. Oct 2 meeting (7p at Town Hall). Many who live in the area most impacted by hundreds of trucks per day, as well as storage of these materials in their neighborhood, are adamantly opposed. Town safety officials also express concern over the negative impact of all these trucks on neighborhood roads.
The issue is whether this plan is good for Tiverton. Is the trade-off of some tax revenue worth the negative effect on the quality of life for those in that area? Like many others, I don't believe it is. As Tiverton 1st has said, quality of life is about more than just taxes, and the quality of life of those affected should be a concern to everyone, not just those who live in the immediate area.
Please consider attending this mtg. The details, costs & consequences need to be fully understood, & the views of Tiverton residents need to be fully heard and considered. It's our town, & our quality of life.
The email below was sent out to increase awareness of this issue.
Brian Medeiros
Tiverton, RI
The issue is whether this plan is good for Tiverton. Is the trade-off of some tax revenue worth the negative effect on the quality of life for those in that area? Like many others, I don't believe it is. As Tiverton 1st has said, quality of life is about more than just taxes, and the quality of life of those affected should be a concern to everyone, not just those who live in the immediate area.
Please consider attending this mtg. The details, costs & consequences need to be fully understood, & the views of Tiverton residents need to be fully heard and considered. It's our town, & our quality of life.
The email below was sent out to increase awareness of this issue.
Brian Medeiros
Tiverton, RI
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Dear Parents and Neighbors,
You are receiving this because our children are in school together and there is a danger lurking right around the corner that you can do something about!
Most of you are NOT aware of the proposed municipal solid waste site that Site Ready Materials, located on Eagleville Rd is trying to get approved.
There was a Planning Board meeting Tuesday of this week where they outlined their plan.
Site Ready Materials is seeking the approval to construct two 25,000 sq ft buildings for the purpose of processing single stream recyclables
and to transfer construction and demolition debris, recyclables, and municipal solid waste.
In other words, they want to be a storage dump for household garbage coming in from Fall River and other surrounding communities.
As you know, in Tiverton we have already turned to recycling and are paying to have our trash disposed of via the paid trash bags.
This is not for us!!!
Site Ready Material estimates that over 340 trucks per day would be travelling down Eagleville Rd. as well as Stafford Rd. and Fish Rd., dumping 1500 tons of trash per day. That is over 700 trucks making trips back and forth on our rural country roads per day--clogging traffic and creating treacherously dangerous road conditions!
Also greatly affected by this caustic monstrosity would be Stafford Pond. If you've ever dropped a pole into the pond to go fishing, you would
agree in a second that this public water needs to be protected.
Stafford Pond is your towns public drinking water!! This proposed dump is in a watershed overlay protection area. I'm sure you're thinking that
there is no way that they could possibly get this passed....that's what I thought too...until I got the inside scoop. Rumour has it that this will go through!!!
I was also informed that we need alot of people to turn out to oppose this. Whether you are comfortable or not speaking in public, I urge you just to show up.
I have never done anything like this before, but knowing what is at stake here, I did address the Planning Board members as well as the representatives of Site Ready Materials. Letting the Planning Board know that you oppose this by simply showing or by simply stating that you oppose this will be a tremendous help.
Please spread the word. We will all be affected by this!!!
Please contact our State Representative and let him know that this is bad for all Tiverton residents. Call Jay Edwards @ 624-8879 or email him at rep-jay70@cox.net
Most importantly, Please show up for the next Planning Board meeting!
It is scheduled for this coming Tuesday, October 2,2012, 7pm at the Town Hall on Highland Rd.
Thank You,
Kielty Pelletier
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