Welcome to TIVERTON 1st!

Tiverton 1st is a grassroots community organization open to all who support preserving our quality of life in Tiverton by maintaining both our community and school services in a fiscally-responsible way, and promoting cooperation, compromise and community pride.
Membership is open to all Tiverton residents who are at least 18 years old & support Tiverton 1st's principles & goals (non-residents or those under 18 years old are welcome to join as non-voting members). There's no membership fee.Just email your name, address, phone # and email address to: Tiverton1st@cox.net.
You can also request to become a "Tiverton 1st Friend"& join our confidential email list.

Friday, October 31, 2014


Hello Tiverton Voters – 
I am John Souza and I am running for a position on the Budget Committee.  This is my first foray into elected politics.  I would like to take this opportunity to give you some background information.

I have lived in Tiverton since 1980.  I have a BS degree from the University of Notre Dame and an MBA from Bryant College.  I have had three careers since graduating from college In 1960. I spent 20 years in the US Navy Supply Corps, retiring in 1986 with the rank of Commander.  My entire career was spent in positions dealing with finance, budgeting, procurement, retailing, and teaching.  

Throughout my career I had positions of increasing authority and responsibility culminating as Commanding Officer of the Navy Resale System’s Northeast Field Support Office, responsible for the Navy Commissary and Navy Exchange operations throughout New York and New England.

After retiring, I became the Director of Business and Finance for the Fall River School System for 9 years and for the Plymouth Public Schools for 6 years.  Upon retiring from that career, I served as a Business Manager consultant for numerous Massachusetts and Rhode Island school systems for the next 12 years.

My background has certainly provided me with the experience and background to effectively serve the Town of Tiverton as a member of the Budget Committee.  All I can promise is that I will listen to every budget request with an open mind.  I will have no preconceptions as to what a department’s budget should be or should not be.  Budgets will be reviewed carefully for appropriate documentation of needs consistent within parameters of town affordability.

If you think I am qualified for this position on the Budget Committee, I would appreciate your vote.  But above all, please be sure to vote on November 4th.

Thank you.

John Souza
Candidate for Budget Committee


The Newport Daily News today endorsed six of our seven Tiverton 1st-recommended candidates for Town Council:
"Every election cycle, it seems, questions about the future of Tiverton’s industrial park and whether large-scale development is appropriate for the town loom large during the campaign.
The town is poised to make some progress on the industrial park, following a visit this summer by Gov. Lincoln D. Chafee and economic development officials, including the managing director of the Quonset Development Corp. that is overseeing development of the 3,207-acre Quonset business park in North Kingstown. And a decision will be coming on whether a large parcel of land off Souza Road should be rezoned to allow mixed-use development.
To ensure the momentum continues and the right decisions are made for the town’s future, we feel the incumbents seeking reelection and two challengers — who actually are not newcomers to town politics — represent the right mix for the Town Council. With two council members not seeking re-election, we’ll start with the challengers.
David Perry has served on the town’s Budget Committee since 1998, the past two years as chairman. His knowledge of the town’s budgeting process would be valuable on the council, and he promises to keep an eye on contract negotiations as part of his goal to keep tax increases to a minimum while still providing quality services.
Mike Burk also is no stranger to elected office in Tiverton, having served on the School Committee for three terms and as the moderator for the financial town meeting — the precursor to the financial town referendum — for three years. He articulates a strong vision for the town’s future, growing the local economy, implementing smart budgets and ensuring quality of services at a reasonable cost to taxpayers.
The five council incumbents have weathered a few storms this past term, and we think they are well-suited to work together in the next term.
James Arruda is finishing his first term on the council. His is a quiet, thoughtful approach to issues, even those that are most divisive in town. He recognizes the need to diversify the town’s tax base but still maintain the town’s character, and sees positive potential in the industrial park, Souza Road property and the former Seaside gas station property, which the town now owns.
Joan Chabot is seeking her third term on the council, and her focus will be to support “sensible” business development to offset a tax increase expected from the bonds for the new library. She, too, has a measured approach to issues including development and working in concert with the state and other entities to accomplish goals the town has been unable to on its own.
Denise deMedeiros served on the School Committee for four terms before being elected to the council in 2012. Her experience on both sides of the aisle is valuable, particularly during the budgeting and negotiating processes. Despite it being her first term on the council, she has taken on a visible role as its vice president, including on the industrial park issue.
Jay Lambert has been on the council since 2008, and we have seen his role evolve over the years from one of naysayer to one of mediator. He understands the political process, recognizes the need for the right kinds of development and, just as importantly, the need to change the perception that the town is opposed to commercial development.
Brett Pelletier is another incumbent whom we have watched mature in his role since first being elected to the council in 2010. His background as a real estate analyst, along with his service on or as liaison to a number of boards and commissions, makes his a valuable voice, particularly in the areas of development."


My name is Peter Mello, and I’d like your vote for the Tiverton Town Council on November 4th.  I’d like to share my thoughts on two of the most pressing issues I see facing our town.

I am for fair and open government. I believe the best way to address issues is to face them openly and honestly. It’s important that everyone have a voice in town government and all are fully welcomed and encouraged to participate, because the best solutions never happen behind closed doors.  Problems need to be solved with equitable solutions before they end up in costly and unnecessary litigation at the expense of taxpayers and our town’s reputation.

I believe in smart economic growth that has an overall positive impact for the town. Smart development has a net positive impact on Tiverton’s balance sheet and maintains the quality of life characteristics that make Tiverton unique.  I think it’s possible to protect Tiverton’s natural resources and at the same time support economic growth and development if we are careful in doing our research.

My personal experience of twenty-five years plus in the lending & finance industry has taught me to pay close attention to detail, and that research and due diligence are key to good decision making.  I also have experience with town government as a member of the Tiverton Conservation Commission for the last three plus years, which has been a great education in both land use and development. I know that I can help to make Tiverton a better place, and so ask for your vote for town councilor this coming election day. 

Peter Mello

Candidate for Town Council


This story (link below) has to be read to be believed. The original complaint filed by James O'Dell, candidate for Town Council from the group calling itself "Clean Up Tiverton Cavalry", was frivolous, as the Charter explicitly gives the Town Council the ability to transfer funds to meet needs. When it was properly dismissed by the judge explicitly designated to hear the complaint, Mr. O'Dell filed another frivolous complaint because the judge was appointed by the Council--exactly as designated by the Charter. And now he says he'll appeal again, despite the Charter being followed explicitly. Mr O'Dell mistakenly says the judge serves "at the pleasure of the Council", when in fact he serves a three-year term, and like many other appointed officials serves independent of the Council. It's understandable that taxpayers might see this as a candidate wasting taxpayer time and money to get attention right before an election. Given the history of "Clean Up Tiverton Cavalry" candidates filing lawsuits & complaints when they don't like an outcome, expect this to become a regular thing if they are elected.

Brian Medeiros

Tiverton, RI


Thursday, October 30, 2014


I ask Tiverton voters to vote for me on November 4th.  I am a former school committee member and Financial Town Meeting Moderator and currently I am Chairman of the Tiverton Democratic Town Committee.  In each of these roles and as a privately involved taxpayer, I believe I have shown my commitment to working collaboratively to find effective and long-lasting solutions to issues facing Tiverton.  

I run not as a single issue candidate looking out for my own interests but, because I am proud to live in Tiverton and believe that we have a strong and vibrant community that can only get better and I would like to help lead those efforts.  I will focus on smart economic development, balancing business interests with the desire to ensure we protect Tiverton’s character and environment, and ensuring we support and provide quality public services – education, roads, senior services, recreation, etc – while wisely addressing our local taxes.  I believe we will succeed in growing our town by increasing small business development as opposed to looking for one economic Hail Mary pass, such as the Tiverton Crossings proposal, after another. I am a strong proponent of open and transparent government and will continue to be such a proponent. Thank you for your consideration.

To be effective, I need a team of individuals working with me who are the most qualified, who don’t always agree but are willing to work together and who clearly have the best interests of Tiverton in the forefront of their minds.  Please join me in voting for the following for local office and General Assembly – Town Council: James Arruda, Michael Burk, Denise deMedeiros, Jay Lambert, Peter Mello, Brett Pelletier and David Perry.  Budget Committee:  Cecil Leonard, Deb Janick and John Souza.  School Committee: Deborah Pallasch.  Town Clerk: Nancy Mello.  Probate Judge: Richard D’Addario.  Representative (District 70) Jay Edwards; Representative (District 71) Dennis Canario; Senator (District 10) Walter Felag and Senator (District 12) Louis DiPalma.

Mike Burk
Town Council Candidate

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Once again, Tiverton voters face a stark choice between moving forward together as a community, or going back to a town divided, with those running town government working for their own interest instead of the common good.

Tiverton 1st is a non-partisan community group with a simple goal: to promote better town government, one that focuses on cooperation to better our community, without personal or political agendas. Tiverton 1st has recommended a slate of local candidates who we believe are most likely to fulfill this goal. Like the group itself, they come from a variety of backgrounds and political views. But we believe they share our commitment to work together to improve our community. Visit Tiverton 1st on Facebook or at  www.tiverton1st.blogspot.com to see the candidate list and get more information.

There is another slate of candidates, calling themselves “Clean Up Tiverton”. This group is made up largely of people formerly part of the TCC group. Residents will likely recall TCC’s disastrous two years running the Town Council, when they worked primarily on their own personal and political agendas. This resulted in efforts such as the town wasting thousands on a failed attempt to strip the schools of over a half-million dollars approved by voters. Voters resoundingly voted against most TCC candidates in 2012.

CUT candidates talk about transparency and concern for taxpayers. Some of these same people are part of a years-old lawsuit against the town that has cost us all over $25,000 so far in legal costs. They seek money from the town, and to establish that a Town Council minority should be able to overrule some budget and tax decisions of FTR voters. TCC also took advantage of a loophole in campaign-finance law and refused to disclose who their donors were during FTR campaigns, then fought against efforts to close that loophole. And TCC famously attempted to force devastating cuts on our schools, and eliminate all funding for community groups such as Visiting Nurses.

Now they attack town officials with baseless conspiracy theories, exploiting an unfortunate personnel issue that this Council inherited and dealt with promptly and professionally, according to the law. They also attempt to make a negative out of the town acquiring, at no cost to us, property at Grinnell’s Beach that will be made available for all to enjoy. Would they have refused this cost-free opportunity to better our town?

Tiverton is a great town, and our home. We have problems like any town, and what we need is elected officials who will put aside personal concerns to work together, not those who offer nothing but negativity and self-interest. Please get out and vote in support of pro-Tiverton candidates. The future of our community is up to you.

Brian Medeiros
Tiverton, RI


My name is Deborah Scanlon Janick and I am a lifetime Tiverton resident.  I love our town and I am running for Budget Committee.  My husband and I chose to raise our children here.  My parents and siblings still live in Tiverton.  I have a vested interest in ensuring that we maintain a healthy balance between fiscal responsibility and quality services for all of our citizens.  This is imperative, not just for today, but also for the future.  

As I indicated, I am a candidate for the Budget Committee.  The 2015 budget will present challenges, given that the Library bond funding will be a significant financial factor.  The Budget Committee will need to rise to the occasion: ask the difficult questions, make the difficult decisions, and think outside the box.  The Committee will need to think of the town as a whole, rather than just a select few.  They will need to develop a budget which provides the quality services we are accustomed to, yet keep our taxes reasonable.  

My background includes 25 years managing healthcare professionals, including developing and overseeing multimillion dollar budgets.  I feel that experience such as mine is essential to the Budget Committee process.  I have made the difficult decisions, been forced to “work smarter, not harder” to provide quality health care while working within tight budgets.  
At the end of the day, we are all Tiverton residents and we all deserve quality services for our money.  The late William French, our former Town Clerk, and my former neighbor, often said “Tiverton is God’s country.  I could not imagine living anywhere else.”  I could not agree more.  I humbly ask for your vote on November 4th.  

Deborah Scanlon Janick
Candidate for Tiverton Budget Committee

Sunday, October 26, 2014


Churchill reminded us that “the price of greatness is responsibility.”  The responsibility of able and sound minded people is of most importance for our society and government.  We must care for those in need and provide opportunity when few exist, give freely of our time and talents to better our community.  We must be a resource for those without, we must be teachers to those who seek knowledge and we must be leaders to those needing guidance.  We need more people of character in government, more people who are willing to roll up their sleeves; not fewer.  We don’t need philistines whose motives aren’t sincere and whose interest is fleeting, whose desire to serve falls second to their desire to rule.  I am a resident of town; have been for 30 years.  I am a voter, a property-owner and a taxpayer, and am a part of the community; and I demand better from myself and from those who profess to lead.

During my term I have been part of a team that has worked toward a goal of improving Tiverton, politics aside.  I continue to learn about the needs of the community and the priorities people put on its governance.  I am confident of my ability to serve Tiverton and to represent the varied tenure of residents.  What I have witnessed is that things are not getting easier. The topics we discuss and the decisions we make are getting more and more complex and nuanced and require serious thought, research, and consideration.  Diligence should be at the cornerstone of modern decision-makers methodology and proper planning has always been about the thing you can’t yet imagine.  The 500-year flood that you never see coming. It is not a no-brainer, not everyone can do it, and it is never, never, as easy as it seems.

Ignoring facts and information is not only reckless and shortsighted; it’s just plain stupid.  Leadership is not about making easy decisions and rubber stamping; it never has been.  Planning for the future doesn’t mean pretending problems don’t exist and hoping that they’ll go away before your term expires.  It takes only a few seconds to make a bad decision and it takes years to fix them.  My only agenda is a responsible path forward for Tiverton, from a guy who’s lived here his whole life.  If you think otherwise, I suggest you vote for someone else.

I’m here for you even if we disagree.  Pick up the phone, write an email or get me to buy you a cup of coffee and make sure I know what matters to you. We’re on the same team and if you don’t know me already, I’d like to change that.

Brett N. Pelletier

Friday, October 24, 2014


A huge thank you to everyone who contributed to Tiverton 1st's efforts to inform voters by mailing voter cards. We've reached our goal, and voter cards will be in the mail next week. 

It's amazing to see people from all types of backgrounds and viewpoints come together in support of their community. We need everyone to keep up maximum effort to reach out to voters for the next ten days, to insure a positive outcome on November 4. 

Thanks for working together to keep Tiverton 1st - Tiverton Proud!

Thursday, October 23, 2014


Thanks again to all who've contributed to Tiverton 1st's efforts to reach Tiverton voters. The response has been tremendous, and generous. As we near our deadline to move forward with outreach efforts, we are within a few hundred dollars of what we need to print & mail our voter cards. If you support T1's efforts to build a stronger community, please consider sending a contribution, of any amount, to: 

Tiverton 1st, 374 Judson St, Tiverton RI 02878.

Every little bit can help make the difference on November 4.


A letter to the people of Tiverton

I want to thank the people of Tiverton for granting me the honor and privilege of serving you for these past six years.  Since first being elected I have tried to work hard for all the people of Tiverton, taking into account what benefits all the people, not just a few.  I firmly believe that any elected official must refrain from bringing his or her personal agenda to the table, but work for the greater good.  This does not mean that you don’t have favorite causes, but they should be weighed on how they affect the entire town.

As a Councilman, I realized that I was only a steward of our town, there to work for the benefit of the town and not for personal gain or glory.  Through these six years I have seen councils evolve from petty rivalries and bickering to a group who can disagree, but work with one goal in mind and that is the betterment of Tiverton.

As the next election looms ahead I would like to tell those who will receive the honor of serving this town to remember, you are elected to serve all the people of Tiverton, work to build Tiverton and not tear it down, and lastly remember these two words, respect and compromise.

I just want to add that I find it comical that there are candidates and others who are attacking me in letters in local newspapers. Why?  Are they so insecure that think I wield such power that they need to come after me even though I am not a candidate?  Or are they so self serving as to think that theirs is the only view that is correct.  Are these the same people that claim how much they care about our Town, but continue a six year law suit, or unfounded Charter complaints?  

I ask all the people of Tiverton to ask yourself, do you want to live in a Town that is moving forward or taking a step back to pettiness and small minded thinking?  Please think about this on Election Day.

Again thank you to the people of Tiverton, it was my privilege to serve you, though I will not in office, I am not going away, this is our town and I will continue to care and work for it.  I only hope in some small way I have made Tiverton a better place.

Thank you,
Edward A. Roderick

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


We have been inundated with negative letters and blogs as of late, signaling another election season. Some candidates will tell you how horrible the town is, and how horrible it will continue to be, unless of course “they” are elected.

But, here’s the thing Tiverton, we have lots to be proud of. The last two years we were lead by officials that rolled up their sleeves and got things done. Elected officials and private citizens fought and reversed the tolls, a town-wide celebration tradition was brought back to life with support from the Town Council, Fort Barton Elementary was named one of the top schools in the nation by the US Dept. of Education, Tiverton and State officials found a replacement bus desperately needed for our seniors, the Council and Water Authority ensured that Stafford Pond, a vital source of drinking water, has much needed protections.
Our local officials demonstrated that we can maintain services and keep taxes low, that we can address long-term issues facing our town without tearing each other apart with endless legal actions and name-calling, and that we can support small businesses while protecting home owners. Just to name a few.

Don’t let small vocal minority special interest groups decide what kind of Tiverton you will live in. Some have never seen a service they weren’t willing to cut, an educational program they weren’t eager to sacrifice, a school or fire station they weren’t anxious to close, or positive news they weren't ready to ignore.

I am proud to have the support of the Tiverton Democratic Town Committee and Tiverton 1st in the upcoming election. Join me in supporting those candidates who will treat all residents and elected officials with respect, seeking to compromise for the betterment of the community. “Our way or the highway,” name calling, and lawsuits have never served our residents, but they will feed egos and provide political talking points. We won’t agree on everything, but we can stop selling Tiverton short!

Deborah Pallasch
Candidate for School Committee

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


As election day nears, it's important that people write and submit letters to the local papers. There have been a number of angry, negative letters making false accusations, and running down Tiverton. While this viewpoint represents a small faction, it can give a false impression if those are the only letters out there. 

Please consider sharing your views on Tiverton and this election with a Letter to the Editor. It's simple to submit one online, and doesn't have to be lengthy or elaborate. Don't let our positive message be drowned out by those with self-serving agendas.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Tiverton 1st is once again working to help elect public officials who will work together for the good of our community. While we successfully communicate through social media and other means, there are over 10,000 registered voters in Tiverton. It is a major challenge to reach all these voters with our list of recommended candidates, and the reasons it's so important to get out and vote for them in the November election.

One crucial means to reach as many of our neighbors as possible is through the use of voter cards, which can be mailed to voters' homes, as well as handed out at the polls. There is a considerable cost to print and distribute these cards. If you share Tiverton 1st's pro-community goals, please consider contributing to support our efforts. 100% of funds raised will be used to get our information to voters. This will also help us compete with deep-pocketed groups with self-serving agendas, who have inundated voters with mailers and robocalls in previous elections.

Tiverton 1st is a grassroots organization with a simple goal: to bring people together to work for a better Tiverton community. It's people of many views and backgrounds, neighbors united for the common good.  Join us and help preserve and improve the Tiverton we love. Please consider contributing to Tiverton 1st's efforts by sending a check to: 

Tiverton 1st, 374 Judson St, Tiverton RI 02878. 

Working together, we can keep Tiverton First - Tiverton Proud!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


The following is a statement from Cecil Leonard, one of Tiverton 1st's recommended candidates for Budget Committee:

I am a candidate for the Tiverton Budget Committee because of my
interest in the “well being” of our community.  In addition I have
substantial experience in corporate management as well as management
within a state government agency and in recent years served as
Tiverton Town Treasurer, a three term member of the Town Council and
chaired a charter review commission.  Thus I am well qualified to
carry out the duties and responsibilities of a budget committee member
to review budget requests from Town departments.  The Budget Committee
duties as stated, in part, within the Tiverton Home Rule Charter are
“…in which review the Committee shall consider both the supporting
evidence for each requested budget expenditure and the ability of the
Town to support the level of the service recommended…”.

My committee work would be guided by what is best for all Tiverton
citizens, including children, while spending tax dollars wisely.

To be brief my membership on the Tiverton Budget Committee would offer
reliable and experienced representation for Tiverton citizens on how
their tax dollars are spent. I respectfully ask that you vote for me
on election day November 4th.

Cecil Leonard
Candidate for
Tiverton Budget Committee

Monday, October 13, 2014


A live TV forum featuring ten of the twelve candidates for Town Council, produced by the Newport Daily News and NCTV. It can be seen replaying on Cox cable channel 18 until Election Day, and can be viewed at the link below.



Tiverton 1st is pleased to announce our recommended local candidates in the November election. T1 recommends without regard to party affiliation, and supports candidates from a wide range of backgrounds and views on issues. The primary criteria was, based on their history and stated views, which candidates are most likely to work in a cooperative way for the good of the community, and not focus on personal or political agendas.

James J. Arruda
Michael S. Burk
Denise M. deMedeiros
Jay J. Lambert
Peter A. Mello
Brett N. Pelletier
David Perry

Deborah Janick
Cecil E. Leonard
John E. Souza

Deborah Anna Pallasch

Nancy Mello

District 70: John G. Edwards
District 71: Dennis M. Canario

District 10: Walter S. Felag Jr.
District 11: Christopher Scott Ottiano

Thursday, October 2, 2014


Encourage anyone who isn't yet registered to take advantage of this special Sunday opportunity (link below). It takes informed and active voters to keep a community strong.
