Welcome to TIVERTON 1st!

Tiverton 1st is a grassroots community organization open to all who support preserving our quality of life in Tiverton by maintaining both our community and school services in a fiscally-responsible way, and promoting cooperation, compromise and community pride.
Membership is open to all Tiverton residents who are at least 18 years old & support Tiverton 1st's principles & goals (non-residents or those under 18 years old are welcome to join as non-voting members). There's no membership fee.Just email your name, address, phone # and email address to: Tiverton1st@cox.net.
You can also request to become a "Tiverton 1st Friend"& join our confidential email list.

Thursday, April 30, 2015


To the editor:
Questions have recently been raised about the Tiverton School Department’s fund balance. Some are mistakenly characterizing the fund balance as huge unnecessary surpluses. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

Unlike the municipal side, the School Department has no contingency fund. Our unreserved fund balance (which has historically ranged from 0 – 3% of our budget) allows us to manage large unexpected expenses without going back to the taxpayers for additional funding or reducing programming for our students. Since our budgets are prepared 6 to 18 months in advance of actual expenditures, all our numbers are our best estimates – some years we are over and others we are under.
Unfortunately, some information being presented cherry picks data. After our budget has been set, we can still be faced with large unexpected expenses such as additional special educational and transportation costs, a broken boiler or a new state pension contribution. We cannot simply cancel classes or lay off teachers mid-year and house students in the cafeteria to offset these increases. Petitioner’s Budget #2 actually increases the council contingency fund and its supporters claim this is good financial management. But those same individuals fail to acknowledge that the schools’ unreserved fund balance is in fact our contingency fund.
Additionally, when the municipal side funds a capital expense such as a boiler replacement, it is a separate additional line item in the FTR budget. See a copy of the FTR budget, page 4. However, the school department’s capital items have not been funded in the same manner for the last few years. Working closely with the elected Budget Committee, the schools’ fund balances are carefully used year after year for the schools capital needs. These include items such as the $688,000 waste water treatment plant, repairs to our five school buildings and new technology for our students. Since 2008, the annual school FTR budget increases have averaged only 1.8% because of the responsible use of our fund balance for these expenses.
Residents are urged to attend the FTR hearing on April 30, attend a school committee meeting at any time or speak to any member of the administration. We will be happy to provide you with accurate information about our school budget and our fund balance.
It has always been a top priority of the School Committee to balance the management of the School Department’s budget with the need to provide an excellent education for our students at a reasonable cost to taxpayers.
Tiverton School Committee
William Rearick, superintendent of schools
Doug Fiore, director of administration and finance

Sunday, April 26, 2015


To the Editor:
Tiverton was noted as one of only seven communities in the entire state to see population growth between 2004 and 2013. Tiverton's Fort Barton School was one of only three schools in Rhode Island to be recognized by the US DOE's National Blue Ribbon Schools Program. New restaurants opened, new stores moved into town, and beautiful beachfront at Grinnell’s was repurchased at NO cost to the town, opening up waterfront access to our community. We also celebrated side by side in our second town-wide festival.

So why are you reading all these recent letters about how “horrible” Tiverton is? Because it is budget season. And Tiverton’s resident haters need to convince you of how awful our town is and that they, and only they, can fix it by slashing the budget and destroying our town services. 

The 11-member elected budget committee worked for the past four months to craft a budget against the biggest challenge any committee could face – a $600,000 shortfall before we even picked up a pen. The town robbed Peter to pay Paul last year by raiding town reserves. But with hard work and lots of cuts and discussion, the town, school and budget committee came up with a plan that is well below the state cap.

But here comes “Budget #2.” Once again, it raids our general funds and cuts critical items like a town planner. It also strips the ENTIRE requested local increase from the school department -- an increase that would have finally funded all-day kindergarten in Tiverton (only six towns do not provide this vital start for our youngest residents). 

Tiverton is growing because of good schools, community spirit and its ideal setting. We can't let a few vocal and emotional outsiders tear down our community and its future. We need you to vote on May 16th. Voting takes place from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Tiverton High School. Yes on BUDGET #1.

Joshua Mello
Deborah Janick
Tiverton Budget Committee Members

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Thursday, April 9, 2015


Sad to hear that Russ Smith has resigned as director of Sandywoods. His dedication and hard work to make Sandywoods a keystone of the Tiverton community is widely known. Russ has been a positive, energetic force at Sandywoods and in support of building community, and he will be missed. Thank you Russ!

Brian Medeiros