Welcome to TIVERTON 1st!

Tiverton 1st is a grassroots community organization open to all who support preserving our quality of life in Tiverton by maintaining both our community and school services in a fiscally-responsible way, and promoting cooperation, compromise and community pride.
Membership is open to all Tiverton residents who are at least 18 years old & support Tiverton 1st's principles & goals (non-residents or those under 18 years old are welcome to join as non-voting members). There's no membership fee.Just email your name, address, phone # and email address to: Tiverton1st@cox.net.
You can also request to become a "Tiverton 1st Friend"& join our confidential email list.

Sunday, December 21, 2014


On Monday, the TC has a choice between two candidates to appoint to an open seat on the Budget Committee. The seat is open because BC member Dave Perry was elected to the TC, having been supported by T1 in both elections. Given this fact, and that voters in Nov overwhelmingly chose candidates who shared Tiverton 1st's vision over those from Clean Up Tiverton Cavalry, the choice is clear. 

Louise Durfee has extensive knowledge and experience in town finances, and has been supportive of T1's community-based goals. 

The other candidate, James O'Dell, represents the opposite perspective of T1 and Mr. Perry. He was a CUT candidate for TC, losing by over 1000 votes. He was a prime driver of TCC and its efforts to gut the school budget. He is currently part of a lawsuit against the Town aiming to give the Town Council the ability to override the voters' decisions on the budget & taxes. He's repeatedly filed baseless Charter complaints that demonstrate a basic lack of understanding of the Charter. And his wife Madeline is already a member of the Budget Cmte. 

For these and many more reasons, Ms. Durfee is clearly the better choice for our community, and Mr O'Dell would be a destructive option for the goals and principles Tiverton 1st represents and voters have overwhelmingly supported in the past two elections.

Brian Medeiros
Tiverton RI

Tuesday, November 25, 2014


With an election over, most people accept the results and look to moving their town forward. Unfortunately, some who have no positive agenda cling to the same tactics and misinformation rejected by voters.
Justin Katz, leader of the political group Clean Up Tiverton Cavalry, has written letters claiming that the Town Council is bound by past precedent to appoint the next-highest-votegetter to an open Budget Committee seat. His group failed in the election, with just four of its ten candidates elected (while fourteen of sixteen Tiverton 1st-supported candidates won, and the two unsuccessful T1 candidates were within 31 votes of election), so now he offers twisted logic and inaccurate "facts" to claim entitlement to this seat.
Tiverton voters changed the Charter to give the Town Council authority to fill a vacant seat and not have the next-highest-votegetter automatically appointed. Yet Katz falsely claims appointing this next-highest-vote-getter remains the precedent. Why? Because that unsuccessful candidate is part of his group. In fact, the Council led by TCC, Katz's previous group, several times declined to appoint the next-highest-votegetter. 
Katz claims automatically giving a seat to an unsuccessful candidate is the will of voters, despite voters having made the Charter change and having not elected that candidate. This isn’t Miss America, where voters choose a first-runner-up. The Council respects voters by carefully considering who will best serve the town. And remember that not only did voters choose Tiverton 1st-backed candidates for the majority of seats, but the seat being filled is that of a successful Tiverton 1st candidate. 
Katz states the Council must appoint a CUT candidate to show "unity". By this theory, the Council majority elected by voters to lead the town should ignore voters and Charter alike to appoint a person voters didn't elect who wants to take the town in a direction it chose not to go. If Katz and friends truly want to bring the town together, they'll accept the decisions of voters instead of suing the town (over $25,000 in taxpayer money wasted on their nuisance lawsuit that seeks to overturn voters’ decisions), filing frivolous Charter complaints, and concocting schemes such as this. Apparently Katz and his allies continue to suffer from SLS (Sore Loser Syndrome). 
It's time to move past self-serving political agendas and work for the good of our community. That's what the voters chose, it's what Tiverton needs to move forward, and it's what Tiverton 1st stands for. For more information, visit Tiverton 1st on Facebook or at www.tiverton1st.blogspot.com

Brian Medeiros
Tiverton 1st


Congratulations to Denise deMedeiros, elected last night by the newly-elected Town Council to be the new Council President, and to Joan Chabot, elected as the new Council Vice-President.

Saturday, November 22, 2014


The new Town Council will be sworn in and elect a Council President and VP on Monday. There have been a number of questions & comments about how this works, so here are the facts. 

The President of the Council is elected by the majority of the seven Councilors. He/she is the President of the Council, not of the town, and carries only minimal additional authority, and his/her vote is equal to the other six Councilors. There are no legal requirements as to whom the Councilors elect. While they can consider any criteria they choose, there is nothing in the Charter giving special consideration to the number of votes any candidate received. 

Historically, in both Tiverton and most communities, the party/group winning the majority of seats elects one of its own to be President, regardless of the order of finish. While the highest vote-getter among the prevailing group often is given preference, even that has not always been the practice. 

The bottom line is that the new Councilors can elect whomever they choose, but in every previous election, the President has been a member of the party/group that won the majority of seats. 

Given that Tiverton 1st / TDTC candidates won five of seven seats, it would be surprising and disappointing to many of us if the President was not a member of that majority. But that decision rests with the newly-elected Councilors.

Brian Medeiros
Tiverton 1st Co-Coordinator

Friday, November 21, 2014


Great job here by Mike Silvia of laying out the facts about the history of the Town Council's appointment process, and the cynical hypocrisy of the same people who rejected appointing the next-highest-votegetter a few years back now proclaiming that the new Council must do so.
In our lastest installment of Fact or Fiction (mostly fiction as it turns out), Justin Katz has a letter on-line at EastbayRI attempting to bully the new Town Council into appointing his failed CUT candidate to an empty budget committee seat.
His justification? He insists that it is established past practice that the next top vote getter in the election get that seat and that doing anything else would set a dangerous precedent and "divide the town." He once again warns us to beware of people he opposes and watch what they do.....
However, the people of Tiverton actually changed the charter specifically striking that provision so that would NOT be the practice. Instead the new changes allowed the sitting Council members to appoint for vacancies between elections.
Undaunted by the will of the people, Katz goes on to state that his research proves that this is in fact past practice and other Councils have appointed the next top vote getter, extolling the virtuous choices of past council members with which he is aligned.
EXCEPT....yeah it is not past practice! Many past councils have taken various approaches to filling these vacancies, INCLUDING his TCC and CUT cohorts Coulter and Nelson and Chabot who in 2011, due to two budget committee vacancies, TWICE ignored this "past practice."
Actual facts are not optional, Mr Katz:
EXHIBIT #1 From the April 11. 2011 minutes:
Appointment for Budget Committee Vacancy
a. Councilor Roderick – Appointment to Fill Vacancy on Budget Committee
Councilor Roderick requested the Council appoint the next highest vote getter, similar to the last Budget Committee appointment, to show consistency. Next highest vote getter was Louise Durfee.
Made as a form of a motion, seconded by Councilor Pelletier. Discussion followed. Councilor Coulter questioned if there was a policy in place to reflect the past practice. Councilor Leonard could not recall one, have generally followed the Charter similar to a Council filling with the next highest vote getter. Councilor Coulter noted this did not happen with the recent Treasurer vacancy, did not automatically go to next highest vote getter. The motion failed, Councilors Roderick, Leonard and Pelletier voting in favor of Ms. Durfee’s appointment, Councilors Nelson, Coulter, Chabot and Lambert opposed.
b. Councilor Coulter – Request Appointment of J. Belli to Budget Committee
Councilor Coulter noted Mr. Belli’s expressed interest, had received a substantial number of votes in the last election, need to continue to involve new people, veteran. Councilor Coulter made a motion, seconded by Councilor Nelson to appoint Jeffrey Belli to the Budget Committee. Motion passed on a vote of 5-2, Councilors Roderick and Pelletier oppose
EXHIBIT #2: when one of the BC members passed away months later in 2011, the Coulter/Nelson TC put forward a process to have people apply and be interviewed, once AGAIN ignoring the next top vote getter. Ultimately they appointed Jeff Caron.
November 14, 2011 minutes:
Councilor Coulter noted the Vacancy on the Budget Committee. The Town Clerk had placed two separate ads several weeks ago, one just for the Budget Committee vacancy, applications due November 9th and one for vacancies on Boards and Commissions, which included the Budget Committee, due November 16th. Interviews could be scheduled for November 28th and appoint at the December 12th meeting.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


I normally try to ignore Justin Katz’s writings as they are usually filled with opinions not supported by data and fail to persuade.  However, the statements made by Mr. Katz in his recent Letter to the Editor (“Council to Divide Tiverton Over Budget Committee Appointment, EastBayRI.com, November 18, 2014) are too egregious to ignore.  

Rather than accept that the political action committee he formed, Clean Up Tiverton, failed to resonate with the voters, he resorts to the same tactics of labeling and attacking others with no facts to support his statements. One would hope that this would have ended after the people of Tiverton made their choices in the election. Unfortunately, this is not the case so I wish to provide some fact checking to correct the statements that Mr. Katz so haphazardly presents.  

Mr. Katz suggests that the new Town Council members who were supported by the Tiverton Democratic Town Committee (TDTC) will be “dividing the town” if they fill a now vacant budget committee position in a manner other than the one which he deems fair.  Since they have yet to be sworn in, he bases this not on any votes they have taken or discussion they have held in public meetings, but only on statements attributed to them in the Sakonnet Times.  

Mr. Katz insists that “past practice” be followed in appointing the next top vote getter from the election.  This individual, John Martin, is affiliated with Clean Up Tiverton and failed to garner enough votes to be elected to one of the five open positions on the ballot.  Mr. Katz  recognizes that the voters changed the Charter to grant the Town Council the authority to fill such vacancies yet warns that it will set a divisive precedent if his identified “past practice” is not followed.

However, his facts are incorrect and this is not past practice. A simple review of Town Council minutes will show past Councils have taken varying approaches to appointing vacant positions, including those members with which Mr. Katz aligns himself. Katz-aligned Council members Coulter, Nelson and Chabot in 2011 twice passed over the next-highest voter getter for budget committee. In fact, the April 2011 minutes will show that they specifically voted against a motion to appoint the next-top vote getter and instead appointed a resident who voters had rejected in that election for a Town Council seat.

Just months later, to fill a second unanticipated vacancy, these same Councilors again ignored the next-highest vote getter and instead put in place a process to ask for people to apply and then be interviewed. In November 2011, they ultimately appointed another resident aligned with their past positions. As elected officials, that was their right and prerogative to choose an appointee who they felt would support their values and beliefs in regard to town governance. 

Mr. Katz also suggests that not appointing the next highest vote getter thwarts the will of the voters.  It seems to me that the voters clearly chose five individuals to fill the five vacant Budget positions – they did not vote on a potential sixth candidate should a vacancy happen to occur in the future.  In fact, I would argue that the voters knowingly changed the Charter to allow the Council to appoint to vacant positions in recognition that those candidates who voters reject in an election should not automatically be appointed to fill vacancies.

Mr. Katz ends by saying “Watch what they do, not what they say.”  I suggest you do both and you will realize that you need to always question Mr. Katz’s data and his logic.  He has been very clear that he does not believe that government should play a role in the lives of its citizens and simply twists data to support his beliefs, regardless of whether what he presents is factual.  He relies heavily on hoping that voters will not question his logic and his “facts” and will simply take his statements at face value.  Please question him at every step and you will find that the emperor has no clothes.

Mike Burk
Chairman, Tiverton Democratic Town Committee


Great factual response (link below) to another desperate attempt to deceive the people of Tiverton and create a phony controversy by self-appointed TCC/CUT propagandist Justin Katz.


Sunday, November 16, 2014


The town is looking to sell the outdated Community Center building (link below), part of the ongoing effort to make town operations more cost-effective.


Wednesday, November 12, 2014


The final meeting of the current Town Council was Monday (link below). 

Thank you to outgoing Town Councilors Ed Roderick, Bill Gerlach, and Jim Arruda for your service to Tiverton, and for helping to move our community forward.


Monday, November 10, 2014


* (pending a possible recount)

Joan B. CHABOT - 2469
Brett N. PELLETIER - 2270
Denise M. deMEDEIROS - 2231
David PERRY - 2047
Jay J. LAMBERT - 2027
Peter A. MELLO - 1999
Joseph R. SOUSA - 1985

not elected
Randy J. LEBEAU - 1972
Michael S. BURK - 1961
James J. ARRUDA - 1954
James S. O'DELL - 1853
Craig A. LEBEAU - 1654

Thursday, November 6, 2014


Fall River Herald News update on election results. Because the deadline to call for a recount is next Wednesday, the new Town Council most likely won't be sworn in until the November 24 Council meeting.



THANK YOU TIVERTON! Thank you to all who made this election's very positive outcome possible: everyone who voted, and encouraged friends and family to get informed and vote; all who volunteered at the polls; all who contributed so that we could print and mail voter-cards; to the TDTC for all their efforts in support of community-minded candidates; and especially to all the candidates who made the commitment to run for office and serve the people of Tiverton. It took a community to bring this effort together, and as a community we now look forward to working together to preserve and improve the town we love and call home.

Brian Medeiros
Tiverton, RI

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


The absentee ballots have been counted, and there was no change in the order of Town Council candidates.

Assuming there are no changes in the order of finish (a recount is likely, and there may be provisional ballots still to be looked at by the Board of Canvassers), we can feel good about the success of our Tiverton 1st-recommended candidates. 

All but two of our sixteen candidates were elected, and those two each came within 28 votes. The new Town Council will have five of seven members recommended by T1, the Budget Committee seven of eleven (with one to be appointed by the TC to replace Dave Perry), and the School Cmte 4 of 5. All our recommended State Representative and Senate candidates were elected. 

It's a tribute to the people of Tiverton that they again got informed, turned out, and voted for community and not fear and divisiveness.

Brian Medeiros
Tiverton, RI

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Sakonnet Times coverage of tonight's election results, and the still-to-count absentee votes (link below)



There are 258 absentee ballots still to be counted at the State level in the next couple of days. If they swing heavily one way or another, they could still alter which candidates are elected, especially Town Council spots 7-10 who are all within 53 votes. So the unofficial results are just that until those votes are counted. It was still a very positive night, but this election isn't over yet.

Brian Medeiros
Tiverton, RI


Keeping in mind that these are still "unofficial" results (a recount, or absentee / provisional ballots could possibly change the order of finish), it was a good night for Tiverton 1st's recommended candidates, and for the people of Tiverton. Five of our seven Town Council candidates, all three Budget Committee candidates, and all our State Representative & Senate candidates were elected (as well as our uncontested School Cmte & Town Clerk candidates). Congratulations to all those who were elected, and all who got involved by running for office.

And a big THANK YOU to everyone who got out and voted for the Tiverton 1st candidates, and who supports our great community.

Brian Medeiros
Tiverton, RI


TOWN COUNCIL (100% reporting)
according to RI Sec of State website
(could still change in a likely recount, or with provisional ballots that end up counting after Board of Canvassers examines them)

Joan B. CHABOT 2340 10.0%
Brett N. PELLETIER 2161 9.3%
Denise M. deMEDEIROS 2122 9.1%
David PERRY 1950 8.4%
Jay J. LAMBERT 1909 8.2%
Peter A. MELLO 1908 8.2%
Joseph R. SOUSA 1894 8.1%

not elected
Randy J. LEBEAU 1891 8.1%
James J. ARRUDA 1862 8.0%
Michael S. BURK 1856 8.0%
James S. O'DELL 1766 7.6%
Craig A. LEBEAU 1590 6.8%
WRITE-IN 73 0.3%

BUDGET COMMITTEE (100% reporting) 
Deborah JANICK 2090 14.1%
Donna J. COOK 2071 14.0%
Cecil E. LEONARD 1949 13.2%
John E. SOUZA 1883 12.7%
Nancy L. DRIGGS 1805 12.2%

not elected
John J. MARTIN 1753 11.8%
Robert D. COULTER 1667 11.3%
Robert William SYLVIA 1555 10.5%


For anyone not sure of your voting district number, poll location, etc, click on this link and type in your address. It will provide you ditrsict number & poll location, plus a sample ballot specific to your State Rep/Senate District. Once you know your district, you may want to double check the map on the town website to make sure your polling location is accurate on the Sec of State website.


Election Day is here. It's your chance to make your voice heard, and do your part to support our community. Elections tend to be about voting for the lesser of two evils, voting AGAINST something. And as we've shown, there are many reasons to be wary of the candidates running as the "Clean Up Tiverton Cavalry". But our Tiverton 1st-recommended candidates give us all something to vote FOR. They come from different backgrounds and views, but share a belief in working cooperatively to better Tiverton. That's why the Newport Daily News endirsed six of our seven Town Council candidtaes. Vote FOR the Tiverton 1st slate, vote FOR moving our community forward, vote FOR a better Tiverton for all.

Brian Medeiros
Tiverton, RI


On the heels of tomorrow’s election, I wanted to take a moment to thank all those who have supported me over the past two years while on the Town Council. It has been a tremendous honor and privilege to serve all those who call Tiverton home through thick and thin.

Not running for re-election affords me a certain license to also to share my perspective on what has become the bi-annual ritual of political theater perpetrated by a small minority of citizens hell bent on an agenda that only aims to confuse, misdirect, and misinform Tiverton voters.

In reality, this playbook is not unlike the playbook being played out in so many small towns across America. And I think if we were to look hard enough and long enough, you would eventual piece together a trail that makes it way back to the extreme ideologies and special interest dollars of those regional and national groups that grace our media stories all too often this time of year.

The mantra of “clean up Tiverton” is comical really. With the collaboration and hard work of my Council colleagues I would dare say that we did quite a bit of cleaning up over these past two years ourselves: We dealt with long-standing personnel issues that we inherited, allowing for new administrative leadership to turn a new chapter in day-to-day town affairs; We worked diligently to put forth budgets that balanced the needs and wants of all, capstoned by this year’s budget which had the lowest proposed tax increase in years (under two percent); We put in place new safeguards to protect Stafford Pond, our town’s only public source of drinking water; We took steps to invest in our valuable – and critically fragile – coastline by purchasing the Seaside gas station through grant money (read: at no cost to tax payers); And we began to make considerable headway in remedying a variety of other issues, from human resource management to critical business licensing matters to the overall accessibility of town government.

All that said, a town’s work is never done. And that is why it’s very important to elect a Council and Budget Committee that will continue that work in a fashion that is honest, trustworthy, and transparent. Beyond the individual skills and experience that folks may bring to the table, what’s of even greater value is their willingness and ability to engage in meaningful debate and dialogue, take the time to really understand the people and issues at hand, and always put aside personal egos and agendas for the greater good of the Town and all those who live, work and visit here.
Again, thank you for the opportunity to have served you these past two years. Looking forward, I hope you will find your own way to serve and give back – as our community is only as strong and vibrant as those willing to give of their time and talents to help others in their own special way.

Bill Gerlach

Tiverton Town Councilor

Monday, November 3, 2014


A reminder that you now need a photo ID to vote. However, by State law, if you forget your ID or don't have one, you can still cast a provisional ballot, which won't be counted until your signature is compared to that on your voter-registration card.


As if to reinforce that "Clean Up Tiverton Cavalry" are determined to bring Tiverton down to new lows, they've put out a detached-from-reality robocall. There isn't one fact, or attempt at a fact, in this call, since the facts work against them. It's just childish whining and yet another false charge: that T1 somehow is trying to hide our candidates' records. Anyone paying attention knows that's the opposite of the truth. Unlike CUT, our candidates aren't hiding their history, nor are we. 

A town need to be able to have political disagreement in an honest, civil way, and this small group repeatedly takes the low road because they know they can't win an honest debate; facts are stubborn things. This is just one more pathetically desperate and dishonest tactic from the "CUT Cavalry" and their self-styled "General", Justin Katz. 

All who care about our community should make every effort to see that our family & friends know the facts, bring their T1 cards to the polls, and get out to vote for our common good tomorrow, so we don't spend the next two years dealing with these tactics.

Update: Apparently there's another equally reality-challenged CUT Cavalry robocall polluting Tiverton. Tell your family & friends: vote the Tiverton 1st slate tomorrow, and vote against annoying robocalls!

Brian Medeiros
Tiverton, RI


We're down to the final full day before Election Day. Past elections have shown that if voters are informed and get out to vote, pro-community candidates do very well. We can make this happen by each taking responsibility to not only vote ourselves, but to contact every friend, family member and neighbor and encourage him/her to get out to vote, and to vote for the Tiverton 1st slate of candidates. Spread the word, and forward and link Tiverton 1st information and posts. If we each do our small part, it will add up to a positive outcome for our town on Tuesday.

Brian Medeiros
Tiverton, RI

Sunday, November 2, 2014


I'd like to start off by thanking the citizens of Tiverton for allowing me to serve the town for 10 years in a public office. The last 2 as a town council member.  In the last 2 years I have gained value experience and would like to use this experience to continue to move Tiverton forward.  
As a council we have had some difficult decisions to make and it has not always been easy.  I do fell that every decision has been made in the best interest of the town.  Sometimes on the outside looking in it may be difficult to always understand the decision and we have been criticized for some of them recently.   Every decision I have made has been has been well thought out.  As far as the decisions made surrounding the town administrator and maintenance director I am confident that these decisions were in the best interest of Tiverton with the less negative impact as possible. 
With that said one of my goals this next term is to work well with everyone in town which has always been a goal for me.  The key word is respect.  We have to respect people who have different opinions then we do without taking it personally.  Name calling and misrepresenting facts is not the answer.  It causes a divide in the community and it is difficult to move on and get anything done.  At the end of the day Tiverton needs to move forward not backwards.  If all this energy was used to compromise and find solutions Tiverton would be better for it. 
The most important issue facing our community at this time is the tax rate. Fiscal responsible budgeting and increasing the tax base are two of the solutions. Endless hours were spent this year going thru every item  of the budget trying to find cuts we could make but still continue services.  I think this council did a diligent job and I will continue the same process if elected.  
As we all know we need economic development in town to help relieve the tax burden. Listening to all involved and trying to find the right fit for the commercial areas in town taking into consideration the opinions of the surrounding neighborhoods is important.  I think compromise is important not only for the community but for the prospective developers.  It can be done with a lot of hard work and some creative thinking.  We have to work on trying to decrease the impact on the community as much as possible and maintain the quality of life we all enjoy!
Denise deMedeiros
Candidate for Tiverton Town Council


There is a slate of local candidates running as "Clean Up Tiverton Cavalry" (seriously, that's their name as filed with the State), spinning dark tales of our town and our elected officials. But the facts show that what's really in need of being "cleaned up" is the record of this "cavalry", and their continued difficulty with facts.

Many are the remnants of the political group TCC, which disbanded after most of their candidates were rejected by voters in 2012. They've returned again, with a new name but the same strategy: phony attacks and misinformation. They offer nothing positive or uniting. Their only rationale for election is their wild claim that Tiverton is in terrible shape and getting worse. Calling themselves the "Chicken Little Cavalry" would have been more accurate. But the facts show that the sky isn't falling...and their history shows how much worse they would make things.

Two years ago, some of these same candidates attempted to get elected by fabricating a conspiracy theory that Tiverton 1st candidates were planning to bring back the Financial Town Meeting, despite the fact that not one candidate had ever mentioned the issue. As the past two years have proven, it was a completely phony issue. Now, they're at it again, spreading outlandish accusations to get elected. They offer no proof of their bizarre accusations because they're simply, provably not true, but they apparently hope voters won't know that. 

CUT Cavalry claim the Town Council should have tried to deny pensions to a long-time employee accused of misdeeds, and the Town Administrator accused of mishandling the situation. Only candidates with no concern beyond their own election would exploit this situation. The simple facts are this: this Council inherited these employees and this situation. When the charge became known, they turned the investigation over to the State Police, who found insufficient cause to file charges. In light of this, the Council acted promptly and according to the law to resolve the situation. To suggest that the Town should have tried to deny these pensions is irresponsible and in defiance of law and reality, and to have done so would have resulted in lawsuits that would have dragged on, cost taxpayers, and which the Town would certainly have lost. This was the view of all involved, including Councilor and now "CUT Calvary" candidate Joan Chabot, who both voted to approve the agreement with the employee, and made a strong statement explaining the wisdom of this action, and the futility of trying to revoke his pension (see the 40:43 mark of the Feb. 10, 2014 Town Council meeting online to view Ms. Chabot's comments). So when CUT Calvary accuses Councilors of "cushy deals" and a "slap on the wrist", they are also making these scurrilous charges against a member of their own team. And Ms. Chabot has allowed her name to be on campaign materials that are accusing her of malfeasance. Are these the people who should be determining Tiverton's future?

Only candidates with nothing to offer voters would attempt to make a negative out of the Town Council lining up grants to acquire an eyesore gas-station attached to Grinnell's Beach, at zero cost to taxpayers, to improve that important public area for the use of all. How often does such an opportunity like this to improve town facilities come along, at no cost? Isn't finding ways to better Tiverton without the need for taxpayer funds something that should be applauded, not badmouthed?

So, what exactly does this "cavalry" propose to "clean up"? Let's look at some basic facts about our town. This year's tax-increase required to maintain services was historically-low, due to the three elected bodies working cooperatively, instead of suing each other as the previous TCC-led Council did. Our schools are high-performing, despite having the lowest-paid teachers in the State. Employee contracts have been made more affordable, without ongoing labor strife. The acrimony and frivolous lawsuits that marked the TCC control of the Town Council have been replaced by cooperation and a positive view of our community.  There are still problems to address, as with any town, and our elected officials continue to work to move the town forward. This is why the Newport Daily News has endorsed six of the seven Town Council candidates on the slate endorsed by Tiverton 1st and the Tiverton Democratic Town Committee. CUT Cavalry could best spend their time cleaning up their own act before attacking others.

What would CUT Cavalry do? These candidates offer nothing but vague, simplistic talking points. But their history is clear: they will work on their personal issues, creating animosity and turmoil, resulting in lawsuits and reversing the progress the town has made. Meanwhile, several of these candidates are still part of a years-long lawsuit against Tiverton that has cost us all $25,000 in legal fees. They are seeking money, and to take away some tax and budget authority the Charter gives to voters and give it to the Town Council. And most were part of TCC efforts to decimate school funding and eliminate funds for community groups like Visiting Nurses.

The slate of candidates endorsed by both Tiverton 1st and the TDTC represent a broad spectrum of backgrounds and views. But they share a commitment to working cooperatively to improve our community, not to push personal or political causes, and they have proven records of working to improve Tiverton. The Sakonnet Toll victory showed what people of good will can accomplish when they work together for the common good. That is clearly not the intent of the "Clean Up Tiverton Cavalry". 

Brian Medeiros
Tiverton, RI

Friday, October 31, 2014


Hello Tiverton Voters – 
I am John Souza and I am running for a position on the Budget Committee.  This is my first foray into elected politics.  I would like to take this opportunity to give you some background information.

I have lived in Tiverton since 1980.  I have a BS degree from the University of Notre Dame and an MBA from Bryant College.  I have had three careers since graduating from college In 1960. I spent 20 years in the US Navy Supply Corps, retiring in 1986 with the rank of Commander.  My entire career was spent in positions dealing with finance, budgeting, procurement, retailing, and teaching.  

Throughout my career I had positions of increasing authority and responsibility culminating as Commanding Officer of the Navy Resale System’s Northeast Field Support Office, responsible for the Navy Commissary and Navy Exchange operations throughout New York and New England.

After retiring, I became the Director of Business and Finance for the Fall River School System for 9 years and for the Plymouth Public Schools for 6 years.  Upon retiring from that career, I served as a Business Manager consultant for numerous Massachusetts and Rhode Island school systems for the next 12 years.

My background has certainly provided me with the experience and background to effectively serve the Town of Tiverton as a member of the Budget Committee.  All I can promise is that I will listen to every budget request with an open mind.  I will have no preconceptions as to what a department’s budget should be or should not be.  Budgets will be reviewed carefully for appropriate documentation of needs consistent within parameters of town affordability.

If you think I am qualified for this position on the Budget Committee, I would appreciate your vote.  But above all, please be sure to vote on November 4th.

Thank you.

John Souza
Candidate for Budget Committee


The Newport Daily News today endorsed six of our seven Tiverton 1st-recommended candidates for Town Council:
"Every election cycle, it seems, questions about the future of Tiverton’s industrial park and whether large-scale development is appropriate for the town loom large during the campaign.
The town is poised to make some progress on the industrial park, following a visit this summer by Gov. Lincoln D. Chafee and economic development officials, including the managing director of the Quonset Development Corp. that is overseeing development of the 3,207-acre Quonset business park in North Kingstown. And a decision will be coming on whether a large parcel of land off Souza Road should be rezoned to allow mixed-use development.
To ensure the momentum continues and the right decisions are made for the town’s future, we feel the incumbents seeking reelection and two challengers — who actually are not newcomers to town politics — represent the right mix for the Town Council. With two council members not seeking re-election, we’ll start with the challengers.
David Perry has served on the town’s Budget Committee since 1998, the past two years as chairman. His knowledge of the town’s budgeting process would be valuable on the council, and he promises to keep an eye on contract negotiations as part of his goal to keep tax increases to a minimum while still providing quality services.
Mike Burk also is no stranger to elected office in Tiverton, having served on the School Committee for three terms and as the moderator for the financial town meeting — the precursor to the financial town referendum — for three years. He articulates a strong vision for the town’s future, growing the local economy, implementing smart budgets and ensuring quality of services at a reasonable cost to taxpayers.
The five council incumbents have weathered a few storms this past term, and we think they are well-suited to work together in the next term.
James Arruda is finishing his first term on the council. His is a quiet, thoughtful approach to issues, even those that are most divisive in town. He recognizes the need to diversify the town’s tax base but still maintain the town’s character, and sees positive potential in the industrial park, Souza Road property and the former Seaside gas station property, which the town now owns.
Joan Chabot is seeking her third term on the council, and her focus will be to support “sensible” business development to offset a tax increase expected from the bonds for the new library. She, too, has a measured approach to issues including development and working in concert with the state and other entities to accomplish goals the town has been unable to on its own.
Denise deMedeiros served on the School Committee for four terms before being elected to the council in 2012. Her experience on both sides of the aisle is valuable, particularly during the budgeting and negotiating processes. Despite it being her first term on the council, she has taken on a visible role as its vice president, including on the industrial park issue.
Jay Lambert has been on the council since 2008, and we have seen his role evolve over the years from one of naysayer to one of mediator. He understands the political process, recognizes the need for the right kinds of development and, just as importantly, the need to change the perception that the town is opposed to commercial development.
Brett Pelletier is another incumbent whom we have watched mature in his role since first being elected to the council in 2010. His background as a real estate analyst, along with his service on or as liaison to a number of boards and commissions, makes his a valuable voice, particularly in the areas of development."


My name is Peter Mello, and I’d like your vote for the Tiverton Town Council on November 4th.  I’d like to share my thoughts on two of the most pressing issues I see facing our town.

I am for fair and open government. I believe the best way to address issues is to face them openly and honestly. It’s important that everyone have a voice in town government and all are fully welcomed and encouraged to participate, because the best solutions never happen behind closed doors.  Problems need to be solved with equitable solutions before they end up in costly and unnecessary litigation at the expense of taxpayers and our town’s reputation.

I believe in smart economic growth that has an overall positive impact for the town. Smart development has a net positive impact on Tiverton’s balance sheet and maintains the quality of life characteristics that make Tiverton unique.  I think it’s possible to protect Tiverton’s natural resources and at the same time support economic growth and development if we are careful in doing our research.

My personal experience of twenty-five years plus in the lending & finance industry has taught me to pay close attention to detail, and that research and due diligence are key to good decision making.  I also have experience with town government as a member of the Tiverton Conservation Commission for the last three plus years, which has been a great education in both land use and development. I know that I can help to make Tiverton a better place, and so ask for your vote for town councilor this coming election day. 

Peter Mello

Candidate for Town Council


This story (link below) has to be read to be believed. The original complaint filed by James O'Dell, candidate for Town Council from the group calling itself "Clean Up Tiverton Cavalry", was frivolous, as the Charter explicitly gives the Town Council the ability to transfer funds to meet needs. When it was properly dismissed by the judge explicitly designated to hear the complaint, Mr. O'Dell filed another frivolous complaint because the judge was appointed by the Council--exactly as designated by the Charter. And now he says he'll appeal again, despite the Charter being followed explicitly. Mr O'Dell mistakenly says the judge serves "at the pleasure of the Council", when in fact he serves a three-year term, and like many other appointed officials serves independent of the Council. It's understandable that taxpayers might see this as a candidate wasting taxpayer time and money to get attention right before an election. Given the history of "Clean Up Tiverton Cavalry" candidates filing lawsuits & complaints when they don't like an outcome, expect this to become a regular thing if they are elected.

Brian Medeiros

Tiverton, RI


Thursday, October 30, 2014


I ask Tiverton voters to vote for me on November 4th.  I am a former school committee member and Financial Town Meeting Moderator and currently I am Chairman of the Tiverton Democratic Town Committee.  In each of these roles and as a privately involved taxpayer, I believe I have shown my commitment to working collaboratively to find effective and long-lasting solutions to issues facing Tiverton.  

I run not as a single issue candidate looking out for my own interests but, because I am proud to live in Tiverton and believe that we have a strong and vibrant community that can only get better and I would like to help lead those efforts.  I will focus on smart economic development, balancing business interests with the desire to ensure we protect Tiverton’s character and environment, and ensuring we support and provide quality public services – education, roads, senior services, recreation, etc – while wisely addressing our local taxes.  I believe we will succeed in growing our town by increasing small business development as opposed to looking for one economic Hail Mary pass, such as the Tiverton Crossings proposal, after another. I am a strong proponent of open and transparent government and will continue to be such a proponent. Thank you for your consideration.

To be effective, I need a team of individuals working with me who are the most qualified, who don’t always agree but are willing to work together and who clearly have the best interests of Tiverton in the forefront of their minds.  Please join me in voting for the following for local office and General Assembly – Town Council: James Arruda, Michael Burk, Denise deMedeiros, Jay Lambert, Peter Mello, Brett Pelletier and David Perry.  Budget Committee:  Cecil Leonard, Deb Janick and John Souza.  School Committee: Deborah Pallasch.  Town Clerk: Nancy Mello.  Probate Judge: Richard D’Addario.  Representative (District 70) Jay Edwards; Representative (District 71) Dennis Canario; Senator (District 10) Walter Felag and Senator (District 12) Louis DiPalma.

Mike Burk
Town Council Candidate

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Once again, Tiverton voters face a stark choice between moving forward together as a community, or going back to a town divided, with those running town government working for their own interest instead of the common good.

Tiverton 1st is a non-partisan community group with a simple goal: to promote better town government, one that focuses on cooperation to better our community, without personal or political agendas. Tiverton 1st has recommended a slate of local candidates who we believe are most likely to fulfill this goal. Like the group itself, they come from a variety of backgrounds and political views. But we believe they share our commitment to work together to improve our community. Visit Tiverton 1st on Facebook or at  www.tiverton1st.blogspot.com to see the candidate list and get more information.

There is another slate of candidates, calling themselves “Clean Up Tiverton”. This group is made up largely of people formerly part of the TCC group. Residents will likely recall TCC’s disastrous two years running the Town Council, when they worked primarily on their own personal and political agendas. This resulted in efforts such as the town wasting thousands on a failed attempt to strip the schools of over a half-million dollars approved by voters. Voters resoundingly voted against most TCC candidates in 2012.

CUT candidates talk about transparency and concern for taxpayers. Some of these same people are part of a years-old lawsuit against the town that has cost us all over $25,000 so far in legal costs. They seek money from the town, and to establish that a Town Council minority should be able to overrule some budget and tax decisions of FTR voters. TCC also took advantage of a loophole in campaign-finance law and refused to disclose who their donors were during FTR campaigns, then fought against efforts to close that loophole. And TCC famously attempted to force devastating cuts on our schools, and eliminate all funding for community groups such as Visiting Nurses.

Now they attack town officials with baseless conspiracy theories, exploiting an unfortunate personnel issue that this Council inherited and dealt with promptly and professionally, according to the law. They also attempt to make a negative out of the town acquiring, at no cost to us, property at Grinnell’s Beach that will be made available for all to enjoy. Would they have refused this cost-free opportunity to better our town?

Tiverton is a great town, and our home. We have problems like any town, and what we need is elected officials who will put aside personal concerns to work together, not those who offer nothing but negativity and self-interest. Please get out and vote in support of pro-Tiverton candidates. The future of our community is up to you.

Brian Medeiros
Tiverton, RI