Welcome to TIVERTON 1st!

Tiverton 1st is a grassroots community organization open to all who support preserving our quality of life in Tiverton by maintaining both our community and school services in a fiscally-responsible way, and promoting cooperation, compromise and community pride.
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Sunday, November 2, 2014


There is a slate of local candidates running as "Clean Up Tiverton Cavalry" (seriously, that's their name as filed with the State), spinning dark tales of our town and our elected officials. But the facts show that what's really in need of being "cleaned up" is the record of this "cavalry", and their continued difficulty with facts.

Many are the remnants of the political group TCC, which disbanded after most of their candidates were rejected by voters in 2012. They've returned again, with a new name but the same strategy: phony attacks and misinformation. They offer nothing positive or uniting. Their only rationale for election is their wild claim that Tiverton is in terrible shape and getting worse. Calling themselves the "Chicken Little Cavalry" would have been more accurate. But the facts show that the sky isn't falling...and their history shows how much worse they would make things.

Two years ago, some of these same candidates attempted to get elected by fabricating a conspiracy theory that Tiverton 1st candidates were planning to bring back the Financial Town Meeting, despite the fact that not one candidate had ever mentioned the issue. As the past two years have proven, it was a completely phony issue. Now, they're at it again, spreading outlandish accusations to get elected. They offer no proof of their bizarre accusations because they're simply, provably not true, but they apparently hope voters won't know that. 

CUT Cavalry claim the Town Council should have tried to deny pensions to a long-time employee accused of misdeeds, and the Town Administrator accused of mishandling the situation. Only candidates with no concern beyond their own election would exploit this situation. The simple facts are this: this Council inherited these employees and this situation. When the charge became known, they turned the investigation over to the State Police, who found insufficient cause to file charges. In light of this, the Council acted promptly and according to the law to resolve the situation. To suggest that the Town should have tried to deny these pensions is irresponsible and in defiance of law and reality, and to have done so would have resulted in lawsuits that would have dragged on, cost taxpayers, and which the Town would certainly have lost. This was the view of all involved, including Councilor and now "CUT Calvary" candidate Joan Chabot, who both voted to approve the agreement with the employee, and made a strong statement explaining the wisdom of this action, and the futility of trying to revoke his pension (see the 40:43 mark of the Feb. 10, 2014 Town Council meeting online to view Ms. Chabot's comments). So when CUT Calvary accuses Councilors of "cushy deals" and a "slap on the wrist", they are also making these scurrilous charges against a member of their own team. And Ms. Chabot has allowed her name to be on campaign materials that are accusing her of malfeasance. Are these the people who should be determining Tiverton's future?

Only candidates with nothing to offer voters would attempt to make a negative out of the Town Council lining up grants to acquire an eyesore gas-station attached to Grinnell's Beach, at zero cost to taxpayers, to improve that important public area for the use of all. How often does such an opportunity like this to improve town facilities come along, at no cost? Isn't finding ways to better Tiverton without the need for taxpayer funds something that should be applauded, not badmouthed?

So, what exactly does this "cavalry" propose to "clean up"? Let's look at some basic facts about our town. This year's tax-increase required to maintain services was historically-low, due to the three elected bodies working cooperatively, instead of suing each other as the previous TCC-led Council did. Our schools are high-performing, despite having the lowest-paid teachers in the State. Employee contracts have been made more affordable, without ongoing labor strife. The acrimony and frivolous lawsuits that marked the TCC control of the Town Council have been replaced by cooperation and a positive view of our community.  There are still problems to address, as with any town, and our elected officials continue to work to move the town forward. This is why the Newport Daily News has endorsed six of the seven Town Council candidates on the slate endorsed by Tiverton 1st and the Tiverton Democratic Town Committee. CUT Cavalry could best spend their time cleaning up their own act before attacking others.

What would CUT Cavalry do? These candidates offer nothing but vague, simplistic talking points. But their history is clear: they will work on their personal issues, creating animosity and turmoil, resulting in lawsuits and reversing the progress the town has made. Meanwhile, several of these candidates are still part of a years-long lawsuit against Tiverton that has cost us all $25,000 in legal fees. They are seeking money, and to take away some tax and budget authority the Charter gives to voters and give it to the Town Council. And most were part of TCC efforts to decimate school funding and eliminate funds for community groups like Visiting Nurses.

The slate of candidates endorsed by both Tiverton 1st and the TDTC represent a broad spectrum of backgrounds and views. But they share a commitment to working cooperatively to improve our community, not to push personal or political causes, and they have proven records of working to improve Tiverton. The Sakonnet Toll victory showed what people of good will can accomplish when they work together for the common good. That is clearly not the intent of the "Clean Up Tiverton Cavalry". 

Brian Medeiros
Tiverton, RI

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