Welcome to TIVERTON 1st!

Tiverton 1st is a grassroots community organization open to all who support preserving our quality of life in Tiverton by maintaining both our community and school services in a fiscally-responsible way, and promoting cooperation, compromise and community pride.
Membership is open to all Tiverton residents who are at least 18 years old & support Tiverton 1st's principles & goals (non-residents or those under 18 years old are welcome to join as non-voting members). There's no membership fee.Just email your name, address, phone # and email address to: Tiverton1st@cox.net.
You can also request to become a "Tiverton 1st Friend"& join our confidential email list.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


I was born and raised in Tiverton and have never seen the division we are now experiencing. Have we had disagreements, sure, but it has never risen to the level of division, disrespect and stubborn lack of compromise we have now.

Recently a local TCC-endorsed School Committee candidate Tweeted about Sandywoods Farm that it is a “good way to subsidize the 'right' kind of poor people.” When complimented on the beauty of Tiverton, they commented that they live “on the Fall River side of town.” When questioned about there being sides of the tracks in Tiverton, their response:
“Every town has that. But you referenced my luck and Tiv’s beauty. Where I live, you’re not quite sure you’ve left FR yet.”

The residents at Sandywoods are our hard-working neighbors and as a North Tiverton resident all my life, I feel quite lucky to live here and think it is beautiful. Some of the best kept neighborhoods and most stunning views of the bay are in North Tiverton. My friends on both sides of the state line have been defamed by these thoughtless words.

This November, I ask residents to decide what kind of town we want to be: The TCC one that breaks us into north and south or kinds of “poor;” or one community where we all work together to take care of our old, our young and our neighbors one where we can disagree and still respect each other.

Fortunately, there is a group of candidates supported by Tiverton 1st and the TDTC who share my vision. Join me in supporting them on Nov. 6.

Deborah Scanlon Janick
Tiverton 1st Coordinating Cmte

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