Congratulations to the successful Tiverton candidates for Town Council, School Committee and Budget Committee. Thank you to all the candidates who ran and all of the folks who helped those candidates in large and small ways. While we may not always like them, elections are the foundation of our democracy, a democracy that is built on ensuring that all voices are a part of the dialogue.
On behalf of the Tiverton Democratic Town Committee (TDTC), I share with you our enthusiasm and our pride for all of the candidates supported in this campaign by the TDTC and Tiverton 1st. All of you ran positive races that upheld our shared ideals of respect, collaboration and community. To the candidates we supported who were unsuccessful, know that your candidacy helped us with the tremendous collective success we had at the polls and we look forward to your continued civic involvement.
I also want to say thank you to the voters of Tiverton who supported our local candidates and the TDTC supported Democrats in other races: Rep. Jay Edwards (D-70), Rep-Elect Dennis Canario (D-71), Sen. Walter Felag (D-10), Sen. Lou DiPalma (D-12), Congressman David Cicilline, US Senator Sheldon Whitehouse and President Barack Obama. Your support helps to ensure that the voices of average citizens will be well represented locally, at the state level and nationally.
Following elections, pundits often ponder the potential election mandate. While I never pretend to speak on behalf of each Tiverton voter, one mandate seems clear for us locally. That mandate is that our citizens want our elected officials to be fair, respectful and willing to roll up their sleeves and work collaboratively to solve the significant challenges we face. We want our elected officials to focus on the public’s priorities, especially in regard to finding smart ways to expand our revenue streams through sound business development. We want our elected officials to be transparent in their deliberations and decision making and use data and facts to support their decisions.
To all of our newly elected (some returning) Town Councilors, School Committee Members and Budget Committee members, I pledge the TDTC’s support during your upcoming terms. We will be there to give our perspective, to share information and to help you with your very challenging jobs. We know we will not always agree with you and you will not always agree with us and that is okay. When we disagree, we will do so directly and respectfully and we know you will do the same.
Thank you and best wishes!
Mike Burk
Chairman, Tiverton Democratic Town Committee
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