Welcome to TIVERTON 1st!

Tiverton 1st is a grassroots community organization open to all who support preserving our quality of life in Tiverton by maintaining both our community and school services in a fiscally-responsible way, and promoting cooperation, compromise and community pride.
Membership is open to all Tiverton residents who are at least 18 years old & support Tiverton 1st's principles & goals (non-residents or those under 18 years old are welcome to join as non-voting members). There's no membership fee.Just email your name, address, phone # and email address to: Tiverton1st@cox.net.
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Monday, October 21, 2013


Rep. Dennis Canario is seeking a full audit of the finances of the quasi-governmental RI Turnpike & Bridge Authority (link below). RITBA is the agency currently charging the 10-cent toll on the Sakonnet River Bridge, and which is seeking  much higher tolls to fund its operations. All who oppose these destructive tolls should do everything possible to support our local elected Representatives and Senators as they work to convince our State officials of the need for a fair, statewide bridg-maintenance program that doesn't hurt local residents & businesses with tolls.

A full accounting of RITBA's operations & finances needs to be part of any serious effort to create a fair, effective bridge-maintenance program. The simple fact is that over 90% of RITBA's proposed tolls will fund RITBA's budget, not Sakonnet Bridge maintenance. RI taxpayers own the bridge, & are paying for the bonds that built it. 

Our local elected officials are all working to create a fair statewide system without adding destructive tolls. Our State government needs to join them, and put the interests of the people who own the bridge before those of a quasi-governmental agency looking for East Bay residents & businesses to fund their budget.

Brian Medeiros

Tiverton, RI


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