Welcome to TIVERTON 1st!

Tiverton 1st is a grassroots community organization open to all who support preserving our quality of life in Tiverton by maintaining both our community and school services in a fiscally-responsible way, and promoting cooperation, compromise and community pride.
Membership is open to all Tiverton residents who are at least 18 years old & support Tiverton 1st's principles & goals (non-residents or those under 18 years old are welcome to join as non-voting members). There's no membership fee.Just email your name, address, phone # and email address to: Tiverton1st@cox.net.
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Monday, November 4, 2013


Allan Fung, Republican candidate for Governor, announced in his candidacy statement that he opposes tolls on the Sakonnet River Bridge, and supports alternative ways to fund bridge maintenance.

There are two main avenues to pursue to eliminate tolls. The first is to convince the committee considering toll alternatives (and the General Assembly they will report to) of the destructive consequences and blatant unfairness of these tolls, and the need to put in place a statewide, non-toll means to fund bridge maintenance. The second is to make clear to all State officials, including candidates for Governor, of the negative political consequences of supporting tolls.

Getting every candidate for Statewide office on the record regarding these tolls is crucial, and making sure it's known that a broad section of East Bay voters (and many others across the State) will vote only for those who pledge to oppose tolls. Especially in low-turnout primaries, a motivated, coordinated effort on this issue can be the deciding factor.

Brian Medeiros
Tiverton, RI

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