Welcome to TIVERTON 1st!

Tiverton 1st is a grassroots community organization open to all who support preserving our quality of life in Tiverton by maintaining both our community and school services in a fiscally-responsible way, and promoting cooperation, compromise and community pride.
Membership is open to all Tiverton residents who are at least 18 years old & support Tiverton 1st's principles & goals (non-residents or those under 18 years old are welcome to join as non-voting members). There's no membership fee.Just email your name, address, phone # and email address to: Tiverton1st@cox.net.
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Thursday, October 30, 2014


I ask Tiverton voters to vote for me on November 4th.  I am a former school committee member and Financial Town Meeting Moderator and currently I am Chairman of the Tiverton Democratic Town Committee.  In each of these roles and as a privately involved taxpayer, I believe I have shown my commitment to working collaboratively to find effective and long-lasting solutions to issues facing Tiverton.  

I run not as a single issue candidate looking out for my own interests but, because I am proud to live in Tiverton and believe that we have a strong and vibrant community that can only get better and I would like to help lead those efforts.  I will focus on smart economic development, balancing business interests with the desire to ensure we protect Tiverton’s character and environment, and ensuring we support and provide quality public services – education, roads, senior services, recreation, etc – while wisely addressing our local taxes.  I believe we will succeed in growing our town by increasing small business development as opposed to looking for one economic Hail Mary pass, such as the Tiverton Crossings proposal, after another. I am a strong proponent of open and transparent government and will continue to be such a proponent. Thank you for your consideration.

To be effective, I need a team of individuals working with me who are the most qualified, who don’t always agree but are willing to work together and who clearly have the best interests of Tiverton in the forefront of their minds.  Please join me in voting for the following for local office and General Assembly – Town Council: James Arruda, Michael Burk, Denise deMedeiros, Jay Lambert, Peter Mello, Brett Pelletier and David Perry.  Budget Committee:  Cecil Leonard, Deb Janick and John Souza.  School Committee: Deborah Pallasch.  Town Clerk: Nancy Mello.  Probate Judge: Richard D’Addario.  Representative (District 70) Jay Edwards; Representative (District 71) Dennis Canario; Senator (District 10) Walter Felag and Senator (District 12) Louis DiPalma.

Mike Burk
Town Council Candidate

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